maandag 10 december 2012

Russische datingsoplichterij: trap er niet in!

Dankzij internet en datingsites is het makkelijker dan ooit om (seksuele) contacten te leggen. Maar het is opletten voor wie van zijn eenzaamheid af wil, maar niet van zijn geld. Een volledige e-mail-correspondentie waarbij het uiteindelijk alleen maar om geld ging hier als illustratie. Participerende journalistiek met als ingrediënten online verleiding, misleiding en oplichterij.

Wie als Nederlander ingeschreven staat bij een datingsite zal vast wel eens een Engelstalig berichtje hebben gekregen waarin staat dat jouw profiel hem/haar zo aanspreekt. Dat is al gelijk opvallend en best knap ook: schrijven in Engels, maar toch een Nederlands profiel kunnen lezen. Van verschillende kanten wordt dan ook gewezen op oplichtpraktijken. Ik besloot eens in te gaan op zo'n enthousiast mailtje om eens te kijken wat er zou gebeuren. Dit artikel is voorzien van de gevoerde correspondentie en wel woord voor woord. Hier gaat het om een gay mailwisseling met een Rus, maar voor hetero's geldt precies hetzelfde. Ook het vrouwelijke enthousiasme is bedoeld om geld uit je zak te kloppen. Vaak heeft de vrouw in kwestie beschikking over een erfenis waar ze niet bij kan. Als jij even helpt met een eerste voorschot, dan komt het allemaal goed en dan pik jij ook je graantje mee. Een klein verschil is dat het bij mannen meestal om een aantrekkelijke Rus gaat en bij vrouwen om een Ghanese schone.

Vooraf: de reden om in te gaan op deze reactie op mijn profiel is om mensen te waarschuwen om niet te enthousiast in te gaan op mails als deze. Zo'n mailcorrespondentie kan voor sommige mensen heel veel waarde krijgen en je zult alleen maar teleurgesteld raken. Het is zonde van je energie en dat in het beste geval. In het slechtste geval is het vooral beroerd voor je portemonnee. Geloof je me niet, lees dan eerst onderstaand stuk, afkomstig van de Belgische ambassade:
"Steeds meer Belgische landgenoten worden het slachtoffer van oplichting via internet.
Hierbij gaat het voornamelijk om onechte liefdesrelaties die zijn ontstaan op basis van een contact via datingsites op het internet. Vaak verloopt dit als volgt:
• Een reeks e-mails (liefdesbrieven) worden uitgewisseld met een Russische dame, die vervolgens voorstelt om haar correspondent in België te ontmoeten;
• De dame vraagt om geld op te sturen via organisaties zoals Western Union met het oog op de betaling van zogezegde onkosten (voor een vliegticket naar België, voor het bekomen van een visum, enz). Soms zijn de voorgestelde bedragen onrealistisch hoog;
• Het komt ook regelmatig voor dat de dame in kwestie, na een eerste betaling te hebben ontvangen, zegt dit geld te hebben "verloren", waarna ze vraagt om opnieuw een gelijkaardig bedrag op te sturen;
• Vaak (maar niet uitsluitend) wordt voor het opsturen van geldsommen een adres in de steden Cheboksary en Yoshkar-Ola opgegeven."
Voor de volledige tekst zie de website van de ambassade.
Nu het verslag van één volledige correspondentie ter illustratie, later gevolgd door nog een samengevatte tweede.
Engelstalige reactie op een Nederlandstalig profiel op 26 oktober 2012 wordt gevolgd door mijn eerste e-mail. Namen en e-mailadressen zijn gewijzigd. De meegestuurde foto's en filmpjes niet geplaatst.

Date: 31 oktober 2012
From: Mikezijlstra
Hello Mike,
You were writing in English, so I will too... but since you are living in Haarlem... do you speak Dutch as well?
Good that you are a non smoker... makes kissing a lot better than when one does smoke.
What is your favourite gay related movie? I just saw Sommerstorm and I really liked that one, because it has a positive tone of voice. Did you see it?
So you like to meet, sounds like a good idea to me... but where/when? Do you ever visit one of the cinemas in Haarlem? Would be a perfect place to meet. If we get along, it is a place for fun, if not, there is always the movie or other visitors ;-)
Hope to hear from you again,
groeten van Mike

Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2012 05:14:35 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Hi Mike!
Hi Mike! I was very pleased to receive your letter. Sorry that I answer so late. I had problems with the Internet. I hope for your understanding.
I am writing you from Russia.
Yes, this is a surprise that you, Mike I said ... :-)
I did not hope for it. I was overwhelmed with emotion, and now I do not even know what to say to you on your first letter to me?
I am very emotional! For me, this is something new now ...
I can tell you that if you just wrote to me, it means that I am interested in something you already!! :-)
Or am I mistaken?
This is the first step of our acquaintance with you ... Do you agree with me my friend?I'm glad to meet you, Mike .... :-)
I hope that you will not laugh at me or condemn me for my first letter?
In general, I think that all, but if I forgot something, I'll tell you in my next letter ...
I await your answer with great anticipation ... :-) Peterlukan!

Commentaar: eerste probleempunt wordt al aangestipt (internetproblemen), gaat een reden worden om om geld te vragen, meestal eerst een telefoonnummer om te bellen. Heel positief over dat je mail gestuurd hebt, maar gaat totaal niet in op locatie Haarlem of de film die genoemd is. Stelt ook geen enkele persoonlijke vraag. Waarschijnlijk omdat de hele mail niet eens gelezen is. Een standaard-riedel wordt afgedraaid.
Peterlukan foto gemaakt op 5 september 2012 om 11.05 uur
Peterlukan foto gemaakt op 4 september 2012 om 19.47 uur
Commentaar: eerste twee foto's zijn nog decent, dat zal vast en zeker veranderen. Die broek en dat shirt gaan vast snel uit... Maar ik ga er niet om vragen.

Date: 2 november 2012
From: Mikezijlstra
Hello Peterlukan,
Thanks for the pictures.
From Russia? Funny since your profile says Haarlem area and that would be not so far away as Russia. Where in Russia? I just visited two Russian cities: Moscow and Sint-Petersburg. Had a great week there.
Why would I laugh? I did not see a joke in it ;-)
What kind of work are you doing? Did you ever visit the Netherlands?
Hope to hear from you again.
Groeten van Mike
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 05:43:29 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Hello my friend Mike!
Hello my friend Mike!
I was very happy to get your answer. I am very pleased that our acquaintance goes on!
I have so cheered up when Mike, you write to me ... I want to do it every day ... Again ... again and again ....
Maybe now I have nothing to tell you, but that's because I'm on the Internet not so long ago and I do not know how to do it ....I want to tell you a little about myself ... My name is Peterlukan! I was born in Russia. I am 26 years old.
I live in a small village Zuevo ... I have always lived here and never traveled in my not so long life .....
What about you? You probably visited many countries? What do you do? Work in what field?? What do you do in your spare time?
As for me, I love walks, cafes, sports ..... I love life, but I have one now, I do not have a man ... I said not a lot about yourself!
I'm waiting for you, Mike, do the same thing, tell me about yourself ...
In this letter I sent you pictures of his house. I took these pictures this morning.
I will wait for a response.
Bijlage: foto.
Commentaar: Dat de foto 'deze morgen' is gemaakt is in ieder geval niet waar. De foto stond immers al in het profiel op de datingsite en dateert dus van vóór 26 oktober 2012 en gezien de eigenschappen van de foto van 5 september 2012. De foto's op 4 december 2012 ook door de database van TinEye gehaald, die herkende ze niet, dus ze zijn niet wijd en zijd verspreid.
In ieder geval: het t-shirt is uit. Het zal niet lang meer duren voor er een geslachtsdeel in beeld komt. De woonplaats is lekker klein en heeft weinig voorzieningen en is slecht te bereiken met vliegtuig of auto. Opvallend ook: geen mail gestuurd in het weekend, terwijl hij er zo veel zin in heeft. Maar ja, voor hem is het maandag en het aftroggelen van andermans geld is zijn werk.

From: Mikezijlstra
Hello Peterlukan,
Thanks again for the pictures. How often do you go to the gym?
You can ofcourse write every day. I am reading my e-mails at least once a day. I will immediately write some words in return. Since you are already mailing you know enough of the internet... What do you want to know? I used to give internet lessons to children, so if you need assistance, just ask!
How many inhabitants does Zuevo have? It is close to the border of Belarus, but you never been to that neighbour-country? Have you been to Sint-Petersburg or Moscow once (or often)? What is your favourite Russian city? Which foreign countries do you want to visit? Personal top 5?
I visited a lot of countries, including Russia. I write articles about a lot of subjects and give lessons to children. In my spare time I love to walk and read. No cafes for me. But today it was no day for going outdoors since it rained almost whole day...
What did you do today?
Groeten van Mike

Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2012 06:07:01 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Hi Mike!
Hi Mike! I was very pleased to receive your letter.
Many thanks for all your questions. I love to play sports.
I try to go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week. I'm trying to watch my figure.
I love to do fitness. I have been in fitness for 4 years. Earlier I shook muscle. My village is small. I do not know the exact number of people, but I think that this number sostvlyaet no more than 30,000 thousand. My village is located 80 km from the city of Moscow and 200 km from the city Sank - Petersburg. you can see my village on the map of Russia. Yes, of course I was in Moscow and St. - Petersburg. For me this is the most beautiful city of St. - Petersburg. This is a very beautiful city. But I was not abroad. I would like to visit such countries as England, Italy, Australia, Thailand and Switzerland. Say you were in these countries?
I was first confronted with the fact that I write a person in another country ... Mike,
You're starting to interest me and away draw in the conversation ... hihihi
I like to laugh very much out of life, because it's so fun to live ...
Of course I would not want you to think that I'm not a serious guy ..
When to be serious, then naturally I am a serious, but when you got a minute to laugh, then I will use this moment.
You know what I'm saying?
You know, but I really do not like it when I ask my naked photos, because I think
that it is not very cultural communicating ask about something ..
I would like to tell you about it now, not to hurt you ... OK? I need to know you and understand ..
But I would not like to see people with whom I spoke was not serious and would just like my sex or nude photos ...
I hope that you will not ask me for naked pics? I will not be offended ...
But I am at the same time do not want to offend you with this issue. But we will not deceive each other ....
I work in medicine ... If you're interested, then, in my next letter I will tell you about my profession .... OK??
As always, I will wait for a response.

Bijlagen: foto gemaakt op 4 september 2012 om 19.44 uur en foto gemaakt op 5 september 2012 om 11.05 uur.

Commentaar: Verrassend is dat ingegaan wordt op twee vragen. Verrassender is dat het sturen van naaktfoto's een onderwerp is. Waarschijnlijk doordat ik er niet om vroeg, is dit het pad die gevolgd gaat worden. Maar toch een halfnaakte foto van bovenlijf erbij. Hinkt nog op twee gedachten.
From: Mikezijlstra
Hello Peterlukan,
Just back from the gym... Good to read from you again. I used to go to the gym 3 times a week as well, but now I only go 2 times a week. There is so much I like to do in a week and not enough time to do all, so one time off going to the gym. I am athletic, but do not have a sixpack though ;-) And probably never will, but I never aimed for one. Laughing.
I did check the village on the site, but there are two cities with the same name...
I visited England three times, Italy three times, Australia zero times, Thailand zero times and Switzerland: the airport when flying to Moscow ;-)
Why do you want to visit Switzerland? Because of the chocolate? Or are you into clocks? :-)
Funny that you mention nude pictures... I will never ask for those (but sure will look at one if I receive one), but since you already started with a naked upper body, I would not be surprised if you had sent one naked ;-)
If one wants to see naked people, you only have to go online: thousands of naked people there, for free. Pictures and live shows and there you do not have to take any effort to talk/write at all. Do you have favourite x rated sites or do you never visit them?
Medicine... in a laboratory? How does a working week look like? So you're good at physics and mathematics?
Would like to hear more about your work. Nice collegues? See some of them after work? Special activities you do with collegues, like every Friday without a knotted tie or something like that? Or eat something special?
And do you play guitar in a band? Or is it only a hobby for now?
Groeten van Mike

Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2012 06:23:04 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Hi Mike!
Hi Mike!
Thank you very much for your letter!
It pleases me very much ... Thank you for what you continue to write to me, Mike,
because you do fun of my life, which to you was very boring ....
My dear thank you for your questions. I would like to visit Switzerland not because of the chocolate) I know this is a very beautiful country. I would like to look at her beauty. Only because of the beauty. Do you understand me? My dear I am very rage that between us there is complete understanding. I believe that we now need to understand and trust each other. Do you agree with me? Yes, I believe that you will not ask me for naked pictures. Thank you! I play the guitar is very rare now. No I have not played in a band. It's just like a hobby you understand? Well, I would like to tell you about their work.
My job is to treat young children ...
I work at a children's hospital ...
I would not say that this work is very easy, because the kids get sick very often ...
But I like my job, I get not so much, I can support themselves and pay for my room ....
I live alone, because I do not want to sit on the neck of my parents ...
I try to help them as I can, they taught me and for me it is important to take care of them ...
Please tell me about the relationship with your parents?? Do you help them?
You know I want is to know what you write to me, even before the
When I honor your answer and then we will do it,
I mean, we tie a communication and it will be like ...
We will then know each other ...... Please do not leave me Mike unanswered ...
In this letter, I sent a photo that was taken at the birthday of my good friend. I hope that I can love you!
I'll be waiting for your answer. Peterlukan

Bijlage: foto gemaakt op 7 7 12 om 17.49 uur

Commentaar: Wel ingaan op Zwitserland, niet op de sekssites. Weinig geld wordt weer aangestipt. Wel vraag naar iets van mij. Raadsel: When I honor your answer and then we will do it Wat is it? Binnenkort zal de vraag naar foto ook moeten komen, want het lijkt me toch dat als je van iemand wilt houden dat je op zijn minst wilt weten wat voor vlees je in de kuip hebt.

From: Mikezijlstra
Hello Peterlukan,
Switzerland is on my list with to visit countries, but not very high. Mountains do not appeal that much. I have seen some in Austria ;-)
I do love chocolate though, Swiss brand Toblerone is one of my favourite brands. Yours?
Playing guitar as a hobby will sure be fun. What kind of music do you play? What are your favourite artists? Anyone I will know or all Russian acts? I only know TATU, PPK and maybe some more which I can recall at the moment.
Are you a doctor at the hospital or a male nurse?
I have a very good relation with my parents, we went on holiday three times this year. I think that says enough: we are close :-)
With what do you help your parents? With help around the house? Money? Do they live close to your room? Do you have nice neighbours?
Are there special things you do when celebrating a birthday? Food? Activities? This looks outdoors, so maybe a bbq? Nice suit and tie and your friend's purple shirt looks good too ;-)
Do you go to the cinema or watch tv? If so, which movies and series?
Have a nice weekend!
Groeten van Mike

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2012 06:29:04 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Hello my dear Mike!
Hello my dear Mike!
I am very glad my dear, Mike that today I read your letter, and it is so important to me to answer you ...
My dear thanks for your questions. I will always be happy to answer you. I love chocolate. My favorite chocolate is Russian. I love dark chocolate) I am very little play guitar. I can play any of the songs. But usually I'm playing retro songs. My favorite artist (Nick Safronov). This is a Russian artist. You heard of him? At the hospital I work as a nurse. I can not work as a doctor, because I do not have a medical degree. I help my parents spiritually. I try as much as possible to communicate with them and support them. They do not need financial aid. They have enough to live. My parents live close to me. We shared 2 km. My birthday will be very soon. I was born on November 26. Now I almost do not want in a movie. I only watch movies at home. My favorite movie is called Titanic. Did you watch this movie?
Tell me you do not mind that I called you "dear"??
You know, I can not explain why I called you ..... Now I only get your letters ..
You're the only person who writes to me and I like to meet you ....
I can not now without it ... I want to ask you, that you wrote to me every day??
For you, it's not hard, tell me please?? You can write to me every day??
This would be a great joy for me every day to see your letters ...
I like many people, I want happiness and love, and that's why I'm writing to you ... You are not afraid?
I too would not want to lose your time, and my ...
Please do not be afraid I'll never tell you that we're done, unless the person
who wrote to me will not some maniac ... lol
Important to me in relation the same feeling that unites the two men ...
I've always respected those men who respect the interests and values ??...
And then these men are very serious and sweet to all with whom they are in contact ..
I think so! I'm with you, Mike is very interesting, always when I read your letter in my face smile.
Your letters help me feel less lonely.
This concludes the letter. I'll wait for the answer tomorrow.
Yours. Peterlukan!!!

Commentaar: helaas geen foto's meer. Wel heel aanhankelijke taal met dear, enzo. Geen financiële steun nodig voor ouders. Verrassend. Ik ben benieuwd hoe dit verder gaat. Ontmoeten-wens zit er wel in. Ga ik aanbieden langs te komen. Dat mag altijd en gebeurt toch niet zonder een financële bijdrage. Plus nog de belemmering van alle administratieve rompslomp in Rusland om naar Nederland te komen.

From: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Saturday
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 12:38:59 +0000
Hello Peterlukan,
Good to hear from you again :-)
I always like writing and even more I love reading letters/e-mails :-)
Which brand dark chocolate do you like? Maybe I bought it when I was in Russia. I tried several brands... but I do prefer milk chocolate.
I have never ever heard of Nick Safronov and there is not one single video of him on YouTube... Do you have a link to a place where I can listen to some of his music? I am curious!
Are there developing possibilities in the hospital you work in? Are you planning to do some more study to get another job in the hospital (or elsewhere) in future?
Will you do something special on November 26th: a party? At your place or at your parents?
I do not understand what you mean with: " Now I almost do not want in a movie."
Ofcourse I saw Titanic, but I think it is way too long and I do not like it much... I saw the Danish movie Jagten by Vinterberg last week: that is what I call an excellent movie. A masterpiece. Did you hear about it? Probably will not be released in Russia (and maybe never will due to the subject).
English title is The Hunt.
>Tell me you do not mind that I called you "dear"??
Always nice to read a kind word like that :-)
What is the nick-name you like for yourself?
>You're the only person who writes to me and I like to meet you ....
I would like to meet you too... but I will not go to Russia, since I just been there... We should have wrote a few months earlier, then we would have been able to meet in Moscow at the Moskva ;-)
But you are very welcome to visit me... Than your first trip abroad will not be to Switzerland, but to the Netherlands.
You will be able to see the Dutch mountains (don't laugh, there are some, let's say, hills here).
I got a large house and a guest bed, so... you are invited for a trip to Holland. Please, tell me what you think about that...
>For you, it's not hard, tell me please?? You can write to me every day??
Ofcourse I can write to you every day. When something like writing with you is fun, it is easy to do. I'll check my e-mail every day. Maybe two or three times a year that I skip a day. Like when I was in Russia and had no wifi.
>I like many people, I want happiness and love, and that's why I'm writing to you ... You are not afraid?
Afraid of what?
>who wrote to me will not some maniac ... lol
I am not a maniac... but can be very enthoustiastic when something is fun ;-)
Groeten van Mike

Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 15:32:38 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Hi Mike!
Hi Mike! I was happy to receive your letter!
How are you doing today?? I hope that very well ... lol
I'm good, because I read your letter .. hihihi
My dear thanks for your questions. Chocolate which I love it is called (Ruusky dark chocolate). You can try it. You must like it) my birthday I'll spend with their parents. I have no friends here. I always spend my birthday with my parents. I would like that you could be with me on my birthday. That would be the best gift!
You know, Mike I wonder sometimes about how to travel to another country to get acquainted with the man who would be able to live in the future ...
If we talk about us, it's still early, so that our relations have not reached the point where we were able to meet with you for real life, in reality, not in the Internet ...
you know what I'm talking it?? I want you to know that if we come together sometime in the future the characters, then we have to see you ...
And then we decided to build our relationship you or not ....
I watched on TV yesterday the transfer of cheats on the internet .....
And there was a story that a woman has deceived man, stole her money and jewelry ....
They communicated well with letters and decided to meet a woman ..
A man came to her, they saw for the first time, in reality, it was a blessing for them ...
And a woman very much trust this man, she fell in love with him ...
When she was at work, he had stolen from her apartment every precious and gone ....
You know, I would not want to be in the same situation as the one woman .... you understand me??
I hope that you're a good man, Mike??
And our wonderful conversations continue and gain momentum for the better??
Maybe this is the beginning of "a great love"? Tell what you think about this?
As always, I'll be waiting for an answer.
Yours. Peterlukan!

Bijlage: movie saying 'hello'
Commentaar: Opnieuw verrassend! Openlijk twijfel aan zomaar langskomen... en filmpje van twee seconden waarin hij 'hallo' zegt. Nieuwe dimensie... Ik begin in oprechtheid te geloven. Ligt dat aan mij? En me rot te voelen, omdat ik met dit artikel bezig ben.

Hello Peterlukan,
What a pleasant surprise to receive a short moving image of you saying hello! Thanks!
I already had a great day today: I edited a movie for work and I love doing that. I also went to a movie this evening. Very interesting movie and... coincidence or not: it was set in Switzerland, it was a French spoken Swiss movie. The title is Sister/L'enfant en haut
I did not try the Ruusky chocolate, haven't heard about it either, could not find one thing on the internet. I tried a brand with a traditional woman on it.
You really have no friends there? I can hardly believe that... You are good looking guy, working at a place where you meet lots of people, you sport(ed): all places to meet lots of people. And still no friends??? It may also depend on what you define as a friend...
The same goes for relations... having fun with other people is important.
You're right that it might be dangerous to meet when you only know a person through the internet. But I have two very good examples of the opposite.
>You know, I would not want to be in the same situation as the one woman .... you understand me??
If you visit my house, I should be the one to be affraid to be stolen of ;-) Since you could be the stealing man... LOL
>Maybe this is the beginning of "a great love"? Tell what you think about >this?
You can never tell, this could also be the beginning of a very good and close friendship, and that is sure worth a lot too!
Do you agree?
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 09:07:15 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Hello my dear Mike!
Hello my dear Mike!
Mike, You know my mood is SUPER, when I open your answer .. :-D
You are such a nice man ...
My dear, forgive what I told this situratsiyu. Please do not think that I do not trust you.
I trust you are 100%, despite the distance between us. I know you're good)) I know I can rely on you.
I think I was very lucky with you, you are very interesting and it is still mysterious to me man ...
But I have a very strong desire to solve all of your puzzle. lol. I hope you want me to open them?? lol.
I would like you to understand what I say, because I love to talk and I love to joke ..
But there is a limit in between, you need time to hold back and I think I have not offended you with me because of my previous letter???
I do not mean to offend you, because I just told you that I watched on TV the transfer,
where they show the story of a man who did so very bad!!
About you I did not have this in mind, because I like to communicate with you ... I look forward to your next letter, please do not leave me??
You are so changed my views ... I thought I would never find such a serious man like you, Mike!! But this man is and that is you!
I kiss you!

Commentaar: Beledigd door wat? Veel feedback in ieder geval deze keer.
Hello Peterlukan,
Ofcourse I am going to write to you again...
I am not offended at all, was just reacting to what you wrote, my thoughts about the subject.
I like jokes a lot, but when writing you do not hear the tone of voice...
Solving a puzzle, I do not like puzzles ;-) I do like boarding games though, much more exciting! Do you play them? The settlers of Catan is one of my favourites. Do you know that game?
Is tbere a nice park in the neighbourhood of your appartment? How's the weather? Today it was very sunny over here, I took a ferry to Amsterdam north and had a nice walk in the afternoon sun. But it will soon start to freeze in the nighttime, so winter is coming up. November is my least favourite month of the year, but so far it was kind of nice.
From Friday until Sunday I will be on a short holiday, so I will be able to mail you again on Monday.
Have a nice weekend.
Groeten van Mike
and a hug from me as well :-)

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 06:42:58 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Hello my dear Mike!
Hello my dear Mike!
My dear but there are a lot of good games on the Internet. But I do not have time, that would play them. I do it very rarely.
What is your mood, Mike?? Good? I would hope for a very very ...
You thought of our letters?? Tell me, do not write me tired?
I am not at all, on the contrary I was very lures, because you and I do not get bored!! :-D Do not be offended that I write to you??
If you do not like or think very straight with my hand, then please tell me about it ... I'll try to fix it ....
I just think you can understand me, that I am writing for the first time to someone in another country ... For me it is difficult and before you write something, I think a lot of ...
I think it should be between two people who are writing to each other ..
I will miss your attention, if one day you do not write to me ...
Even now, I can imagine that if you do not answer me, for some reason, I lose something, so I needed ...
Yesterday I was at my parents ... I helped my mother cook dinner for my father .. I've always liked and like to help my parents ...
It is my duty to the lovely parents who raised me .... At the same time I told my mom about you .. She was surprised and even supported me ...
She said that she was in my place would have done the same thing ... Said I need a relationship, let it while virtual, but we have yet to come!
We will achieve our goal, if we want to be together in the near future ... I agree with it .... And you, Mike?? I'm sorry I did not tell you is very important.
My parents know that I was gay. I told them about it when I realized that I like men. I did not hide it.
First, my mom treated this badly. My dad said it was my choice. But after a while my mom was able to understand me.
And now they're my parents are happy for me. They are happy that I met you. They asked me to give you a huge hello!
I do not mind if our relationship will lead to something serious, such as love??
I think this needs a lot of thought and you and me ....
I will wait for your answer.
Yours. Peterlukan!!
Commentaar: De trein is een sneltrein geworden... Ouders zijn ingelicht, moeder steunt. Van vriendschap naar liefde, ontmoeten... Ik ga erop in, die uitnodiging stond al...kijken of er actie komt.
Hello Peterlukan,
Good to have e-mail from you in my inbox when I returned from my short trip to Germany! I went to a lot of markets and did some sightseeing.
>You thought of our letters?? Tell me, do not write me tired?
I like writing to you a lot, so my mood is perfect and I had a great time in Germany as well, so I can think about a lot of nice things.
>I will miss your attention, if one day you do not write to me ...
I almost reply immediately when I see your mail coming in, I always like to receive your answers as soon as possible, so I do not waste time answering yours :-)
>At the same time I told my mom about you .. She was surprised and even supported me ...
That sure is good news! How many (good) friends do you have? What do you do with them?
>We will achieve our goal, if we want to be together in the near future ... I agree with it .... And you, Mike?? I'm sorry I did not tell you is very important.
You already got an invitation to stay at my place, I told you about the guest bed on a seperate floor, so if we will not get along that fine, you will still have some personal space ;-)
>And now they're my parents are happy for me. They are happy that I met you. They asked me to give you a huge hello!
Say hello from me to them. A Dutch hello would be HALLO, only one letter different.
>I think this needs a lot of thought and you and me ....
We will have to meet and before that we will never know which label to put on what is between us.
Now I will have to go to do some ironing, need my clothes for work tomorrow... Not my favourite waste of time but with some good music on, I kind of like doing it anyway.
Groeten van Mike

Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 10:07:20 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Mike
Dear Mike , I was happy to receive your letter!
Mike  When I first came to the Internet cafe and found a letter from you, it has led me in a good mood ...
And you my email please or grieve? Tell me please??
I want to know all about you, because you want to say that I want to be with you, but I do not want to scare you my intentions ...
I do not want to offend you my speech ... But I say that I have accumulated in my head! I never say anything, if you want to say ....
I do not know told you or not, but I always live by the principle - "bitter truth is better than sweet lies". Do you agree with me, tell me?
When I come to the internet cafe, I write all my thoughts .... And you're reading it now! lol
You know .. I think I'm in love ... Yes yes yes! But in someone in my area, and not in my country, and in another place, the country, and the city ...
This person is reading this, and I think so, that begins to smile? :-) Please just do not be afraid, do not have to say now, that this can not be ... Okay?
I just with the first letter, I felt something special to you, that I have not felt for a long time ....
My heart begins to warm up and fight very hard when I get your letters .. How to call it??
Love or very strong sympathy??? I would hope that the first .. I'm so excited right now that I do not even know what to tell you more ...
But I do not want you to think I'm crazy, I start to fall in love with you even though I know quite a bit of time ....
I am quite serious, and I'm telling the truth is that I feel for you .... Mike , Your answer now is for me the energy and joy of life ...
I love you Mike !
Yours. Peterlukan

Commentaar: Pfoeh. Ik geloof er geen woord van. Aan iemand denken, ja, maar het woord liefde is wel heel veel voor die paar e-mails die gestuurd zijn. Hoe ga ik hierop reageren? Deze circel kan heel lang doorgaan en leidt tot niets.
Hello Peterlukan,
As always I am also happy to receive your e-mail, it leads to a smile. Why should it lead to sad thoughts?
Sweet lies lead to nothing, I agree with you on that thought.
It is very inconvenient that we do not live in the same area... otherwise we could have met right away. But it is just the way it is...
The word love I will not use right away, strong sympathy, it sure is and it could be more, but for the time being we only can e-mail and that will be all :-(
So let's enjoy the e-mails we send to each other!
What are your weekend plans? 
Groeten van Mike

Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 15:54:57 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Mike
For me it was a very necessary thing, read your letter.
I want it badly, and I can not live without it, do not like to these days, when I did not know you ...
Mike, I would like to speak to you today on a very serious topic? You will listen to me, I hope so?
I really thought long and hard before telling you about it ...
Remember when I told you that I told my parents about you and me? So, this is very serious ...
I hinted to them, when suddenly I'm in love with you, and we decide to meet, such as in your country,
what will my parents are willing to do that?
They told me that this is my personal life and I'll have to decide what to do to me ...
And if I suddenly want to leave their country in order to find happiness and love, they will not mind ...
Can you now afraid of my words and intentions? I am telling you now it truly ...
I am ready to meet with you ... Did you not want that?
Yes, I understand that we know each other very long, but I'm not afraid of you, I trust you very much ..
I would like just to trust me, and you did not think that it's just a word!
But today I decided, because I was surprised and overwhelmed by the situation occurred?
When I went to the internet cafe today, I saw a man beating a woman and no one stood up from passersby, men ..
And the most amazing thing is that close to the police ...
They saw it and did not even help that woman ..
I still remember it and I can not move away from the shock.
I do hate men of my country, but my father after the incident ..
I do not know what to do ... Get me out of here please ...
Do you want us to meet, and I came to you?
Now I do not want to be here ... I'm glad I found you ...
I never want to live with a gay man from Russia, in this I will make today.
I really like you and I would love to be with you,
I thought about it ... It is not spontaneous, just a situation hastened my decision, Mike ...
Can you understand me, my dear? We can meet ...
I'll wait for your answer with netereinme. Please write me a letter as soon as possible.
Yours. Peterlukan
Commentaar: ontmoeten kan, sterker nog zelfs leven buiten Rusland, we slaan wat stappen over, eentje die 'elkaar leren kennen' heet.
Hello Peterlukan,
Ofcourse I listen/read what you are mailing... if I wouldn't what would be the use of writing to each other in the first place? ;-)
But leaving your country sounds very dramatic especially since we only know each other by e-mail. First we'll have to meet and from that step we can always see what happens next. Do you agree? So a holiday in the Netherlands first and after that there might be another future. What do you think about that?
What are your weekend plans? I am going to work in about 15 minutes. It is a rainy day, so no problem at all to be indoors all day.
Groeten van Mike
P.S. And about the beating up of the woman by a man... what did you do? Or why did you decide to do nothing as well?

Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 06:30:11 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Mike
My dear I'm sorry for the delay in response. I worked this weekend in 2 shifts.
My partner got sick and I had to work for two. One can say that I lived at work.
But I had no choice I had to work. I think you understand me?
Please forgive me but I really could not answer earlier.
I hope you will not be angry at me.
Mike, I think a lot of you! You're crazy like me!!
This is so fascinating when you write and told me a whole bunch of the most beautiful words ...
Yes of course it is, which is not always, but still I like it very much ...
I am now very overwhelmed with emotions, I do not know what to say to you! lol.
I almost forgot to tell you that I managed to talk to my best friends ...
I told them all about you, we want to meet you and all that ...
One of my friends said that you should not go for you, it can be a very strange case ..
She said that happens a lot when gay foreigners call to his Russian guys and then they are lost there forever!!
And there is no answer from them ever ... Yes, I wished I had told her about you because I trust you always!
I can not believe that you are a man who can make a guy any slave ... No, no, no! I do not believe in it ...
You're a very nice person and I can not live without is your letters, I am not indifferent to you very much.
I was very happy that my other friend agreed with me ... She said that it is fate and want to use this opportunity!
Fate gives me such and that I renounce this?? I was incredibly happy, that all:
my parents, my friends, all, all supported me with what I need to see you! And now I am calm and I can, and want to meet you!
I'm afraid I might die if I hear from you that you do not want to meet me .. :-(. I want to see you have, in reality, it is happiness that is beyond words.
You want me to come to you, Mike?? I'm interested in my friend, what you need for the trip, because it was recently in Egypt!! She rested there.
She probably knows that it is necessary for coming to you ...
Tomorrow I'm specifically clarify it! I am so happy that we can meet with you ... uhh.
Now I hope you will not make the long wait for your answer ... you write me very soon ...
I'll be waiting. Yours. Peterlukan

Commentaar: Hé een beer op de weg: langer werken, maar met de vertraging in het mailen valt het mijns inziens wel mee. Ik ben benieuwd wat die most beautiful words zijn... ik vond ze niet zo mooi eigenlijk. Hij heeft blijkbaar toch vrienden die als klankbord dienen...
Hello Peterlukan,
So now you got some time to relax? Is your collegue back at work again? Did something nice for the extra work you had to do, because he was not there?
>I almost forgot to tell you that I managed to talk to my best friends ...
So you do got best friends, at least two ;-)
Earlier I asked about them and you did not answer...
All female?
>She said that happens a lot when gay foreigners call to his Russian guys and then they are lost there forever!!
Lost? You mean dead? Well, I live in a street with a lot of neighbours and it would be very difficult to get rid of a body of a human if I ever have the intention of killing someone. Which I do not have, so don't worry.
>I can not believe that you are a man who can make a guy any slave ...
I do not even have a cleaning lady, I can do all myself: cooking, cleaning and more ;-) Laughing!
So I do not need a slave at all ;-)
>I'm afraid I might die if I hear from you that you do not want to meet me .. :-(.
I already wrote to you that it will be nice to meet. We can do a lot of sightseeing in Amsterdam and other cities. Enough to be seen here and there!
>You want me to come to you, Mike?? I'm interested in my friend, what you need for the trip, because it was recently in Egypt!! She >rested there.
I do not know what you mean with these lines. Who is in Egypt and what is your connection with her?
>Now I hope you will not make the long wait for your answer ... you write me very soon ...
I always do... :-)
Did you see some nice movies lately? I will go to a Dutch movie tomorrow: Alles is familie means Everything is family. A movie with the most popular Dutch actors in it and written by a good screenplay writer. Looking forward to that. And your reply ofcourse. Until soon.
Groeten van Mike
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 08:00:11 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Mike
What is your mood? Rises from the fact that we want to meet you?? I do so, it did not fall ...
I want you happy, Mike... lol.
I can now safely meet you, I can go to you, because at work I was told that I can take my vacation when I will have to ...
This is so incredible, cool, because I take my leave, and coming to you .. There are no problems ...
Recently, I met with my friend, a girl who was vacationing in Egypt ...
She told me how to execute documents to go for a vacation in another country!
She applied to the travel agency, which she did all the documents ...
When the documents were ready, she calmly took a vacation to Egypt! Do you understand me??
I want to do the same with documents in order that I could come to you ..
Tell me, do you want me to go to the same agency, which drew my friend?
She told me that this is a very good travel agency to travel around the globe.
If I come to you and take a leave from work, where I will live until that time I will be with you??
If I go to a hotel or a hotel, it would not be very expensive? I simply can not afford an expensive hotel?
I will need a common room, what do you think?? I do not want to ask for time to live it with you, because for you it can be a problem??
I would easily be able to understand you, but I still want to meet you, I want to come to you .... I can not go on without you ...
I need only your decision?? After all, you also want me to come to you, that we meet with you?
Well, Mike, tomorrow I go to this travel agent and I will find out what you need to travel to you ...
Tomorrow and tell you what to know if the agency ...
With love. Yours. Peterlukan!

Commentaar: de vaart zit er goed in en er wordt nog niet om geld gevraagd. Dat zit er natuurlijk wel aan te komen...
Hello again,
That is good news that you want to mee me in real life!
It is nice that your work is not making difficulties! I did the same with document when I went to Russia: I filled in a lot of forms and had to leave my passport for a visum...
So I do understand you totally! :-)
>If I come to you and take a leave from work, where I will live until that time I will be with you??
You can stay at my place as I wrote earlier. My house is big enough for two, there is a second floor with warm and cold water and a single bed there... Only thing missing there is a bathroom, that is on the first floor ;-)
>If I go to a hotel or a hotel, it would not be very expensive? I simply can not afford an expensive >hotel?
You can take a look at
For 128 euro you can stay for a week in the center of Amsterdam in the Marnix hotel, but than you have to sleep in a room with other people...
Also Bob's youth hostel is very cheap with 137 euro for a week.
>I do not want to ask for time to live it with you, because for you it can be a problem??
Why would it be a problem?
>I need only your decision?? After all, you also want me to come to you, that we meet with you?
Who is 'we' you are coming alone aren't you?
>Tomorrow and tell you what to know if the agency ...
I am curious, tell me as soon as you know!
Until tomorrow!
Groeten van Mike
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2012 08:59:54 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Hi my favorite Mike!
Hi my favorite Mike!
Today, I have a very bad day. I am very tired.
I hope your day was better than mine.
I would like you to now have been with me and was able to help me relax.
My whole body is very stressful tired. And I would now help, your relaxing massage Mike.
Today at work I was very tired. There were so many people, and I almost did not rest on the job. : (
And besides, I went after work today to a travel agency.
Because of this, I'm tired of even more. There was a long queue and I had to spend a lot of time travel agent. : (
There were so many people and I was waiting for his turn to see the information.
Mike nice, I got you there are 2 news. One good, one bad.
How I wish that all the news is always to be only good. But this happens very rarely. : (
Mike dear, good news like this. I learned all the details of my trip with you.
The agency told me that I have a good chance to get a visa to your country. I think that I can do it.
To travel to your country, I need to execute documents.
When all the documents are prepared, the agency will send my documents to the embassy in Moscow. There will approve my visa.
I have to go to the embassy in Moscow. And in Moscow, I will fill the form and be able to immediately get a tourist visa.
Travel agency "Delfin", will make all my documents in 10 days.
It is very fast. And I will not have to wait long. My vacation starts in 15 days.
I have time to draw up the documents and visa. It's great. I am very glad that the documents will not be not any problems.
And I have the same bad news. Mike I think you've guessed what would be bad news. : (
I estimate the entire amount that I would have to spend on travel to you Mike.
The full amount of my visit to you, is 21,600 rubles (495 euros).
Mike dear, I'll get to work the money for my holiday. But it is only 4,300 rubles (100 euros).
For me 4300 rubles, that's good money. And I do not know where I can find another 17,300 rubles (395 euros).
I was horrified when I was told the full amount of my trip. It really is a lot of money.
I knew that the trip will cost a lot of money. But I did not think so much. : (
Mike my feelings for you are getting stronger by the day. I want more touch you, hug you, kiss you.
I want to feel your closeness. You have become my closest male. You are my charming Mike.
You're my only man Mike and I want to be only with you.
Do you believe in our meeting? Believe in our strength? In our success? Do you believe that we will succeed?
I believe in our meeting. All must work. We need only apply for this effort.
We must fight for our happiness. And should not give up. We must do everything to be together.
Mike I had a very bad day. And besides, I have no mood after the news.
I hope that you will not be upset. Mike I miss you so much. I hope that everything will be fine.
I'll wait for your letter. Please do not forget about me. Your Peterlukan.

Commentaar: Hé hé eindelijk: het geldprobleem. Het kostte wat tijd - 13 e-mails - maar dan is daar 395 euro nodig. Ja, sorry, dat wordt dan sparen! Voor hem, niet voor mij...

Hello Peterlukan,
My day was excellent, though exhausting as well.
It is a pity that the trip to the Netherlands is that expensive, but there is not much I can do about that... If you are staying at my house, you will not have extra expenses and I can easily cook for two, so you do not need extra money for expensive restaurants when you are here.
So keep your head up and start saving money for a trip soon, my offer will not expire in a month ;-)
What will you do this weekend? I will be going for a long walk.. You?
Groeten van Mike
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 11:18:14 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Mike
My love, I was happy to receive your letter. My dear s this weekend I'm working. I'm writing to you with your work. It has a computer but usually we can not use it. But today I have the opportunity. My love I do not quite well understand your letter. My dear say you can help me with a trip? Say yes or no? I just do not understand very well. My dear I'm really badly want to come to you. I dream about our meeting day and night. Now all of my thoughts about the trip for you. I can not even work well. My dear, I do hope that you can help me to make the trip. I have high hopes for you. I love you very much! Please answer me as soon as possible.
Commentaar: Blijkbaar schrijf ik ineens onduidelijk Engels. Het woord geld kwam er niet in voor, dat zal het wel zijn. Ik zal heel duidelijk zijn...Saaie kop ook elke keer met mijn naam... vast om makkelijk mee op subject te sorteren.

Hello Peterlukan,
What help do you need?
This is what I can and will do: I can offer you a comfortable place to stay (my house), eating and drinking (at my place and I am a good cook) and my company. For making nice trips to beautiful places in the Netherlands.
If we like each other maybe we can even do more ;-)
Hope that is what you had in mind?
Groeten van Mike

Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012 10:42:21 +0200
To: Mikezijlstra
Subject: Mike
My love, I was glad to receive your letter. My dear, I need your help with the trip. You understand that I do not have full amount of money for this trip. All I could do is to find 200 euros. My trip will cost 495 euro as I told you. Now you know what kind of help do I need? My love, I love you very much. Say you'll help me? I'll be waiting for your answer. With love. Yours. Peterlukan
Commentaar: 200 euro, dikke doei. Overigens was het eerder nog 395 euro missing. Geen cent, euro of roebel. Sparen is echt zo gek niet. Je kunt er gif op innemen dat na deze 200 euro hij nog borg nodig heeft, etc, etc.  Waarschijnlijk nog 1 of 2 mails te gaan als ik niet dok, dan is de liefde over.

Hello Peterlukan,
I think it will be wiser to save the money first and then book the trip....
We are in no hurry, 200 euro is not that difficult to save, or is it?
When will you get your holiday money from work? Over here we'll get that in May. You?
Groeten van Mike
En toen bleef het stil....

Om mijn punt nog duidelijker te maken, heb ik nog één correspondentie gevoerd... Om jou als lezer niet te vervelen hier alleen de gedeelten van de Rus en wel die met de alarm-zinnen. Die hebben een sterke overeenkomst met die van hierboven en ook de opbouw van de schrijfsels is min of meer het zelfde. Opvallend is wederom dat het hele epistels zijn waarin totaal niet wordt ingegaan op wat de andere partij mailde. Het is voor elke correspondentie te knippen en plakken. Een heus project met planmatige opzet, zoveel is wel duidelijk! Na 29 e-mails heen en 30 terug (waarom hoor ik niets meer?) is het over en uit als de geldkraan niet opengaat... Au!
Eerste mail van 21 april
Howdy Mike.
How are you? Thanks for the response. I looked for this and glad that you have indite to me. My name is Wladimir and the last name is Tolmaanski. I am from Russia, also trying to find the friend for myself. Can be some more in the future, we will watch, I guess. You will enunciate that it far from you?! Yes possible you are right. I all time expect why we live on century at which we may have the computer, the tv and other things. But we, this seems, have forgotten about honesty and decency. Once there were times when people loved and could feeling it. (...)

28 april
(...) My friend, my Mike you can give me your phone number? Unfortunately I not have it on my home. It should be installed very expensively and will occupy a lot of time to wait. Now you tell that I live as in wood, like a savage?! Yes it so:). But we have got used to live without it. Although it is necessary sometimes. As for example now. If I had it in the house I could call to you every evening. I would spend all money for international calls. I would hear your voice. But I will try to make it once from public phone. Ok? I can leave to you my home address,that it is: city Elabuga 423600 [adres verwijderd]. I hope it not to be necessary. But I do not wish to lose contact with you. If I do not have possibility write to you by email we can to write by usual mail. But I hope we will not need in it. Can you give me your address also?!

3 mei
My friend last night before a sleep I thought about you. I thought that will be if you will stop writing to me!? If you cannot write to me!? There can be everything. While our boss allows to use the internet and the computer, I can write you electronic letters. And I hope that it will proceed! But if I cannot write electronic letters or you, our addresses will be necessary for usual letters. So I hope not to lose contact with you. And still it is better not to use post mail. And I hope it it will not be necessary. Our post works very badly. Once mum wrote letters to Israel. There lives our distant relatives. There received one letter in half of year. And in each this letter there was a question: "Why you do not write so long?", and mum wrote to them: "It you do not write us!" . It was very interesting story nevertheless. At first we long did not understand why the such happens. And then long laughed about our post. Tell how post mail works in your country? It will be interesting and informative for me! I guess that electronic letters cannot be lost? I seem have not lost any yours!?
Today I thought to call to you from an office number. I dream to hear your voice. It will begin to flow by wires, it will come in my ear, will pass on my body and will cause excitement. I will feel it when I will talk to you. I one thousand times imagined it and always on a body there was excitement. Therefore, if we speak with you once, I ask to speak you slowly. Ok?! I have a colleague, she works here more than I. I have asked her, can I call to you from an office number. She has told that better not to do it. She has told that before me the person here worked which very liked to speak by the phone long for own reasons. Because of her the contract had broke because the client could not phoned office. Her have dismissed after that. Nevertheless I asked of the permission from the boss, but he did not allow to me, he has told phone for work and only! But I am not going to stop on it. I will try to call to you from public phone. I hope I can do it!?

6 mei
Today I have received the letter from Vadim.Earlier I wrote to him about you. I do not have brothers. Vadim has replaced to me the brother. I very much love him. He could tell to nobody that he the gay and even now it is knows only me and his parents. But this did not prevent to protect me at school when I was small and I was teased by boys. He asked to transfer regards for you. Also he wrote that you did not send anything and moreover gifts by post mail. Vadim has told that when they have started to communicate with Matthias when they have understood that love each other, Matthias sent a gold ring for Vadim.But it has not come. It was lost. They tried to search for it, they complained everywhere, but have not found it. I simply wished to tell that you did not send by mail anything, write more electronic letters, is better! It will be happiness for me! Your letters became necessary for me. I hope that you will continue to write to me. For me it is very important now. I feel that you become for me not simply the friend. I can trust you, probably will come time when I can entrust you my heart. But you should tell more about yourselves. We should teach each other. To teach histories of our life. Today I will finish my letter. I hope you will understand my letter and my thoughts. I will wait your letter tomorrow, I wait always.
I think about you Mike, I send you the warm kisses, I hope, your Wladimir. Bye.

17 mei
Hello my dear men! How are you Mike? Thanks for the answer. Mike you never sent me your picture. Why? Can you send it to me?! Please do it, I will be wait with impatience for it!!!! About what national holiday you asked, I cannot understand? (...)  I wait for your photos. Your friend, Wladimir.

19 mei
Hello my dear friend, Mike! Mike, how are you doing today? I am good! Today I have received your photo, thanks, I love it!!! Your words, your thoughts are very important for me, it became a part of my life, it force my heart to beat faster, to beat in a step with your words. You know, Mike, recently my ideas are filled only with you and our relations and me it is pleasant and simultaneously it frightens me. I think about you constantly. Even some people noticed, that I became very thoughtful,and there is some strange. Really I feel so, I think about you and I should accept it, you seem have penthouse in my mind. I must to tell to you, that you are not indifferent for me. I hope I have expressed my thoughts correctly. Still my english not the best, you agree?!I only wish to transfer for you my thoughts, my feelings. I do not shock you Mike? (...)
21 mei
(...) We still far apart, we still cannot see each other,we still cannot fell smell each other and it is important too. But I feel, my life began similarly to a fairy tale and I want, that this fairy tale did not come to an end! Therefore I am ready to do all for our meeting and I will try it. Because I very much want to be with you, to feel your breath, your arms, your hot body! Mike, I hope, that you want it also?

25 mei
(...) I talked with Ludmilla Valereevna about how I can meet you. She told that it is necessary to make for me to be with you. It is sad news to me. She spoke that the visa is necessary for me, first. Otherwise me will not enter to your country.She has told that the visa costs 35 euro. The visa make in the Moscow city, in your embassy. I have counted to me it will be necessary still plus 150 euro to go to Moscow and to live there while my visa makes.These are the big money for me. I receive 120 euro in a month and it hardly suffices for a life. I do not know what to make! I am broken! The earth seems fall from under my feet. Please hold me on! I did not know that it is all can cost so expensively. I tried to borrow money. But nobody can give me such big money. I have savings. It is 70 euro. But it is ridiculous. I saved it in a current of half a year and is ready to invest it, but it is not enough still. I do not know what to do, I do not know as I will live without you. I love you. But you are similar to a fairy tale now.On the fine prince. I will dream and think of you. I will try to search for a way. I will be assured that the destiny to give us chance.
Sorry I need work now. I will wait for letters from you! I will dream of you!
Yours Wladimir with love and feelings, kisses for you my sweet...

Afscheidsmail van 10 augustus
Hello my baby Mike!
Forgive I did not write yesterday. The internet did not work also I was very sad yesterday. But today all are good. And I again with your letters and with your beautiful words. As I told "Uha" is soup from fish. Also we say here, that it is only soup without Vodka. Bania is like sauna. Do you know what is sauna? How you today? What you do yesterday? Whom saw? With whom talked? What to you dreamt? You thought of me? What did you think? Many questions? Plus one more! Forgive it will be short today. I have not enough time to use computer! Our chief accountant has something affairs in the internet. Now she is not present, but she has told that I have 10 minutes.These 10 minutes already seem have passed.I should have time to send the letter.I should have time to tell that I think of you constantly, I love you, I dream of you, I want you and you always will be mine and I yours, Wladimir forever with love and feelings. Kiss you, kiss you, kiss you.... and many of it.

Toen duurde het allemaal te lang, want hierna kwamen er geen mails meer... Nog verbazingwekkend lang eigenlijk nadat duidelijk was dat ik geen geld ging overmaken.

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